Saturday, 7 November 2009

Week 8 2nd - 5th November 2009

Firstly, welcome back after our week off for half term. This term, running up to Christmas (and the Christmas Concert on the 20th of December - more on that later!) promises to be very busy and packed full of new and exciting lessons for you all.

This week we looked at playing Jazz and dropping some 'Be-Bop Bombs' on the snare drum.

Work through the sheets below, as we did in class - but remember with Jazz Drumming LESS IS MORE - you DO need to be able to play them all but NEVER put them all in one bar.

Week 8 2nd - 5th November 2009

Firstly, welcome back after our week off for half term. This term, running up to Christmas (and the Christmas Concert on the 20th of December - more on that later!) promises to be very busy and packed full of new and exciting lessons for you all.

This week we looked at playing Jazz and dropping some 'Be-Bop Bombs' on the snare drum.

Work through the sheets below, as we did in class - but remember with Jazz Drumming LESS IS MORE - you DO need to be able to play them all but NEVER put them all in one bar.